
Why do birds migrate?

Why do birds migrate?

Escrito em 08 de outubro de 2021

Twice a year, during spring and autumn, one of the most incredible and mysterious nature events happen - avian migration.  About half of the nearly 10,000 world bird species migrate. Millions of birds embrace the challenge of long-distance and sometimes dangerous journeys. But, why exactly do they do it? It is believed that the main reason for migration is finding food. However, escaping from adverse weather conditions and predators are also important justifications.  Generally, birds migrate to find better ecological conditions and habitats that allow them to feed and breed. When the conditions become unfavourable they move towards regions that ... Ler mais
How to Choose my Binoculars?

How to Choose my Binoculars?

Escrito em 02 de outubro de 2021

After purchasing your bird guidebook (you can check our article about it here) and spending some time getting familiar with the birds of your backyard or city, it is time for another vital investment – binoculars.  Here, the options are more or less on the same basis, i.e., you can either start simple and cheaper or invest in quality and durability. However, as for the binoculars, the differences in prices are a bit higher. Also, it is something you need to get experience with first.  With so many types and models of binoculars in the market, the choice can be ... Ler mais
How to choose a field guide?

How to choose a field guide?

Escrito em 19 de setembro de 2021

This article is intended to support those who have just discovered how much they enjoy birding but haven't figured out which birding guide they should buy. So, if you are a beginner, the following tips may help you make an appropriate choice regarding one of the most important items for a birdwatcher. There are several options for field guides covering Europe and the Western Palearctic region and many others for specific countries or sub-regions. For instance, you can find many options for Great Britain and Ireland. Anyway, for starters, any book with pictures or illustrations, a short description, and a ... Ler mais